Thursday, August 10, 2006

TranceParade post coverage

TRANCE PARADE was blardy FANTASTIC! but super packed. First time I see BBBC so packed!! Woohoo!!! P@T popular ah!!! And he loves to do the Singapore Work out at the console!! Good Job! NExt time all do together! Please initiate the moves ok! I'll sure join in! :p
I didn't take any photos this time. But someone (malay botak guy with eyebrow stud, and calls me Purple) came up to me and took a photo of me and my friends!!! Can that someone please PM me or post me a message please. Cos i dunno who are u!! :D Thanks dude.
By the way... prefered and recommended venue to chill and be seen at :P

That's all for now lah. Nothing much to talk bout NDP yest. Ciaos for now.


Adminstrator said...

The guy's name is Deny...

He recognized you via the little Progressions blog community that we are trying to inter-link.

deny THE boy said...

hey there. Deny here, the "malay botak guy with eyebrow stud, and calls [you] Purple". hehe =]

the pics are up on my blog under "Trance Parade 2006". the pic you want is in there so you can check that out.

sorri for the lack in quality.
camera half past six & cameraman drunk alreadi :)

take care. peace.