Thursday, September 21, 2006

Jokes at Work

Here's a couple of jokes cracked during lunch time at work.

1) There was once we were walking back to office after our lunch, walking along Mhd Sultan road.
The wind was strong, even I lost a bit of balance while walking. Among us we have a female colleauge who is really skinny. She weighs about 42 kg. Let's refer her as Jen. So we were joking about the wind being really strong, and it'll porbably blow her away...then she'll get stuck or cling on to one of the trees screaming " help me help me, get me down". We visualised it and laughed out really loud. But, she wasn't there with us.

We told her about the joke the next day at lunch, she was so funny and she added on saying " good lah next time I can use this as an excuse when I'm late for work, the wind too strong I can't walk. " Hahaha

2) We were talking about nice food and where to find them and all, then one of us, let's refer her as Jan, wanted to say TOA PAYOH...slip of tongue and say too fast, said "TOH POH YOH" instead! Situation was so funny and we laughed until our faces all turned red.

I just love lunch moments. really helps to destress. :D

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