Thursday, April 30, 2009

Move On - from a friend Barry Tan

See beyond immediate circumstances. Clear the decks of any old grievances. Learn from the past and move on by tapping into your inner resources of self-worth and humility. With honesty and commitment, softly let go and let others change. There are new horizons, new growth and a new lease of life.

Our beliefs are created out of our past experiences; the situations that we get ourselves into and the people that have crossed our paths. These beliefs shape our thoughts and our reactions now, in the present. And through this process, we create the reality we want to see, which further reinforce these beliefs that become the facts we strongly attached ourselves to.

Are we missing out on something here?
Have we actually become the very victims of our own reality and thus, our past?

See beyond immediate circumstances and challenge our beliefs.

Learn the lessons from the past and move on by tapping into your inner resources of self-worth and humility. When you clear these decks of old grievances, you are emptying vessels and more importantly, renewing your heart.

Change is eminent. With honesty and commitment, softly let go and allow others to change. When you move on, others around you move on too.

What better way to face the bigger reality of life and its tribulations than like one who sees new horizons, new growth and new opportunities all the time.

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